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Kingdom of Bhutan

Nature Club
Phuntshothang Middle Secondary School
"Together, we wish that future generations will live in an environmentally sustainable society" (RSPN)

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The Phuntshothang Middle Secondary School Nature Club works to fulfil the mission and vision of Bhutan's RSPN (Royal Society Protection Nature) and particularly its 'Environment Education for Change' programme and its Nature Club in schools initiative.


It also wishes to contribute to the objectives of BBL (Bhutan Birdlife Society).


It collaborates with the Department of Forests and Park Services and NBC (National Biodiversity Centre), both part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.

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The Nature Club has links with a range of international organisations including

Austria: Ornithological Section, Natural History Museum, Vienna and University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)

Thailand: Prince of Songkla University

UK: Harrison Institute.

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